Embrace® is excited to announce the hiring of Keri as Implementation Success Specialist! Keri is a graduate of Southern[...]
News & Announcements
Embrace® is excited to announce the hiring of Heather as Medicaid Success Specialist! Heather is a graduate of[...]
Embrace® is excited to announce the hiring of Alexis as Customer Success Specialist! Alexis is a graduate of Missouri[...]
Embrace® will be a sponsor the City of Highland's 1st Annual Flügel Fest on October 19, 2019.
EmbraceIEP® is a[...]
EmbraceRTI has been renamed and rewritten to EmbraceMTSS™! Just as the RTI process needed to incorporate a more[...]
Over the summer, Embrace® has been working to implement EmbraceIEP® program for Texas' IEP/ARD system. We are excited[...]
Embrace® is excited to announce the hiring of Joshua as a PHP Developer! Joshua received a Bachelors in Graphic Design[...]
Embrace® is excited to announce the hiring of Kelly as a Medicaid Specialist! With almost 20 years in the finance and[...]
Embrace® is proud to sponsor Pieces of Highland, a benefit for the Highland Community School Fine Arts Department!