Embrace® Texas IEP/ARD!

txOver the summer, Embrace® has been working to implement EmbraceIEP® program for Texas' IEP/ARD system. We are excited to welcome our new Texas school districts to the Embrace® family! With appropriate user permissions, staff are able to transfer all Embrace® student data between districts that utilize our software. No more searching for lost documents or worrying about missing important information!


We serve districts with hundreds of students to districts with over 80,000 students, all with the same level of support. Best of all, this support is available to all staff members, not just pre-defined contacts. This support, paired with our easy-to-use software, has enabled us to achieve a 99% client retention rate. Watch the video below to see what our clients have to say about us!

For more information, please contact Embrace® at (888) 437-9326, email success@EmbraceEducation.com or visit the Embrace® website at www.EmbraceEducation.com.

Embrace® is committed to providing high quality, easy-to-use software, allowing educators to maximize their time in the classroom. We currently work with over 875 school districts in six states and continue to deliver the outstanding customer support and quality software that has enabled us to boast a 99% client retention 

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